Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My New Middle Name

I am amazed at how many loads of laundry a family of three can is my new perpetual task in life...I get excited that I can finally see the bottom of the laundry hamper and then I blink and it is heaping again. I can't complain though...I am thankful that our washer and dryer are in working condition, I have the ability to do our laundry in our home and I have company from two of my favorite companions...B and Ella.
These photos were taken while I was folding one of the many loads that I did is almost as if Owen is thinking..."Go mom, go!" I would fold laundry all day with this kind of encouragement!

Ella came to enjoy the laundry party...I think she must be thinking "The quicker you fold that laundry, means the quicker you will let me outside to play ball!"
Here is evidence of the perpetual task I am talking about...I really don't mind washing, drying and even folding...putting it all away is the hard this mountain stands until Chad or I get up enough initiative to put it away! And then the process starts all over again...

1 comment:

Megan Bates said...

I'm glad it's not just me who is drowning in laundry! Sadly, I think things just get worse as little boys grow into big boys - with bigger clothes and definitely bigger messes! : )