Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Dog Days of Summer

We haven't had a home improvement update in awhile...Owen has taken center stage...
This is Chad's recent feat...a new shrub bed around the side of the house. We chose shrubs that we had already planted in the front yard, this gave us a little more confidence in keeping them all alive. I am so grateful for all of his hard work, I can't say that I really helped much on this project. This is how B fell asleep in his swing the other afternoon...his head was on the swing...we tried to reposition him, but to no avail...we added the blanket for a little extra cushioning...consequently he woke up with a little red spot on his forehead...I guess sleeping can be hard work!

B has started to use his legs to kick and try to stand more, so we decided it was time to get the "excersaucer" out for him to play in...this toy has been my new lease on life...he loves it! B will play in the saucer for 20-30 minutes completely content...which means I can do things like fold laundry! B needs a little help to prevent wobbling so we stuff a baby blanket in around him, hopefully his core control will come soon. It is so precious to watch his little toes kick up and down as he sits in the saucer. There is a little button that he can press that makes cow, duck, dog and cat noises...his eyes light up when he hears the noises, he doesn't understand that he is responsible for what he is hearing. There is one botton that plays "Old MacDonald"...I haven't been able to figure out what button plays the song, but he has played it on several occasions...each time I hear it, I try to figure out which part of the saucer it is coming from...I still don't know...he has me stumped and giggles as I try to figure it out!
(Also, in this photo he is wearing one of my favorite little onsies- it has a dog on it with a red collar and reads "Good things come in small packages". I got it on sale at Gap Kids before he was born, despite the fact that it had words on it, and the photo reveals...the arms are too short and the bottons hardly has been washed, folded up and put away...he is getting SO big.)

My two boys, enjoying a simple summer is good!

1 comment:

jreits said...

Thanks for being avid bloggers so I can watch from afar the Underwood adventures. I am so enamored by your precious baby boy and can't wait to get the chance to meet him. Hope it's sooner than later. Love you all! Lo