Last Wednesday, C, B and I enjoyed meeting B's teachers at Meet the Teacher morning. Both C and I were so impressed by his teachers and have total peace about him starting school, in fact, one of his teachers has been teaching at this school for 18 years! We learned all about what a typical "school day" would look like and were sent home with the task of labeling everything that may ever enter the school's doors...I had a "Oh my goodness, I am a mom" moment as I sat in his nursery with my black Sharpee marker...the majority of his belongings now have his intitials written on them!
B's first official day was on effort to get both B and I out of the door on time, I set the alarm a little too early...meaning B got some good time in his excersacuer before we left...
The day was a success! B's teachers said that he did well and that they looked forward to seeing him next week. When we arrived home, we were welcomed with some bright colored balloons. My mom always had balloons, cookies and ice cream waiting for us and all the neighborhood kids at the bus stop on our first days of school...the tradition is continuing...maybe next year B will be able to have some ice cream or cookies?!
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