Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Catching up...

I believe the kids these days are calling this "chillaxin"
The crew at Jana and JP's (this would be Jana's future husband) wedding shower
Sara and my first dinner on the new table (chicken fajitas off the grill just to your right)
This picture is for the one and only J Kuper, yes that is a copy of "The Family Handyman", honestly you are wasting money by not buying
Sara y su madre at Curly's (or as we call it, home away from home)

1813 Virginia Place about an hour before a really sweet storm
Here is the finished product
Side view, the left leg looks bent due to the distortion of the super wide angle lens, honestly
This is a picture of Chad having a little free time due to the fact that Sara wont let him touch the house again until after she has her class over to the house

1 comment:

J Kuper said...

Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad you didn't waste money by not buying it. ~j