Thursday, May 28, 2009

B's Big Swimming Debut

Some dear friends invited us to go swimming last weekend...We had a blast! I don't know if I was more fun to see B in his miniature swim trunks or see B's reaction to the water?

Getting ready for the pool was a little bit of a challenge in that the smallest swimming diaper available is for 16 plus pounds and the smallest swim trunks are 3-6 month size. Let's just say that the diaper acted as more of a floatation device and the swim trunks looked like pants...

At home, B loves to take baths. He smiles and coos when he is placed in the water and almost giggles (I am hoping that will come soon) when water is splashed near his little body.

The pool just seemed like a gigantic bath tub...he loved it!

B has started to move his eye brows to make faces that really emulate some of Chad's expressions. In this photo, his eye brows make him look concerned or somewhat skeptical of the water...we promise...he really did seem to love the water!


Marissa said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Rachael said...

Next big swimming adventure ... floating the river in New Braunfels!

The Allen's said...

so cute!