Thursday, June 26, 2008

Front Room Magic

The before...
With it taken down to the studs...
Sara painting the beaded board in the back...

Beginning to take shape (notice the joist hangers, my kind of building style)...
Where the magic took place...

There were a few trim nails used...
We worked some, but mostly we just hung around...

I know, it was a bad joke...
This was the point it started to really become real, it started to look like what we had in our mind's eye...

What a beaut...
With the tv shelf in place...

With the top shelf baskets...
Yeah, it was a war zone...

Our own Tetris game with our furniture...
Even the kitchen got in on the act...

Moved in, but no doors yet...
Painting the doors, I dont even want to think about how much Sara and Ann painted (dont forget the entire ceiling)...

Prepping the doors...
Getting excited to see what it will look like all put together...

This is for Jeff Reed, good times with the rotozip. I had to dance with 24 of these...
Rear doors hung, still no shelves above the tv yet...

With all four doors hung. Finished product and we love it...
Bringing back the before picture for comparison's sake...


beth said...

wow- very impressive!! its going to be a whole new house once yall get done with it!! hope all is well and I cant wait to come stay soon!

and since I had to sign in just to leave a stinkin comment... might just be the first step in addding a new blogger to the underwood family.... we shall see:)

The Allen's said...

you guys are like bob villa made-over. super impressive! i hope to swing by and see the finished product this weekend!!!

Megan Bates said...

Yahoo! I am so proud of you guys! The front room looks amazing and I LOVE the way it turned out. I can't wait to see it in person. Let's grab a snow cone soon!