Here are 7 things that people may not know about me.
1) I love musicals. I have seen several live, including 7 in London, 2 on Broadway, and 2 in Jackson Hole. I also enjoy a good play, but I think that musicals get me a little more excited than plays. I even grew up acting at church and really loving it. If I wasnt such a great athlete, maybe it would have been something I would have pursued.
2) I love efficiencies. My goal in life is to be efficient as possible. To the point that I will do as many things as possible while I am brushing my teeth (get Ella her food, get my shoes and belt out of the closet, lock the door, make up or turn down the bed, etc.). This may be why I am dumbfounded when I see sara walk around the house in socks (or "stocking feet" as she calls it). It wears them out too quickly, its not what they were made for. Barefoot or shoes. Just makes sense to me. This also leads me to leave things out and not put them away under the thought of, "I am going to need it again at some point, why put it away if I am just going to get it out again?". Just makes sense to me. I could go on for a while because this is something that gets me going, but I will stop.
3) I cant stand watching baseball on tv, much less live. If I get the chance to see a game in a stadium that I haven't been to before, I am all over it, but to watch baseball on tv? Maybe if it was 2000 and pedro was throwing I would, but nowadays it is tough for me. Maybe it is because the dvr skip button doesn't line up perfectly with the action like it does for football. But I find it really boring. I love talking about it, but I cant stand to watch it. Yes, I played it professionally.
4) I hate fiction books. OK, let me back off of that a little, I realy don't like to read fiction books. The Chronicles of Narnia was good, Catch-22 was super good, This Present Darkness is one of my favs; but that is about it. This may tie into the efficiency rant, but I don't see the point in reading something that I know is not real. If I am going to invest time, it will be learn something. To make myself better somehow. I can barely stand to read books about the present. The whole time I am reading I am thinking, "You know, I bet there is more up to date information/statistics/opinions/theories on the internet right now and I am here reading an out of date book." Now books about past theories I love. For example, The Origin of Wealth is a great book about a study of how wealth is created. That study is stagnant, the experiments were completed and the author gave his theories. Done. No new information from that author about that study will come out. I am ok reading that book. Or the book Bowling Alone. Great book, once again it is about a study that was complete. Now a book about what the next 5 years is going to hold will be diminished and slightly out of date by the time the first book rolls off the press. And that is why I cant read those types of books or fiction books.
5) I am not a huge fan of the beach. Too much laying around. Cant stand it. Now if it is a beach that also has a cliff or has caves, I will explore all day. But going to Florida and hang by the beach? I'm out. Unless of course if there are kayaks, jet skis, etc. then I am in. But if it is a vacation that is geared towards laying around I'm out. I'm double out if the laying around is accompanied by reading fiction books.
6) I can make up a fact and you will believe me. If you are reading this chances are I have done it to you. For whatever reason I am able to say a fact and make up support for the made up fact very quickly and I say it with enough conviction that people usually believe me. Of course this has made my wife very skeptical of me when I state facts. And rightly so.
7) I hate social norms. I don't like doing things that are expected of me. I don't like hearing, "that's just not how you are supposed to do that." Drives me up a wall. I wont go into what social norms bug me the most because my wife would not be happy with that. Suffice it to say, if my ex officios aren't dirty after one day of use, I should be able to rock them again the next day and the next day and the next day…
Yeah, ex officios are that good.
8) I can't count.